
大自然中的变色龙仅需0.02秒,即可捕捉到它的猎物。 但今天通信网络需更快的速度才能满足需求。测量精准度需小于0.000000001秒,以确保网络定时和同步符合国际标准, 并提供强大和可靠网络的性能。


Getting equipment vendor performance verification for future 5G Transport Networks through High Precision Synchronisation testing with Paragon-neo.

As the world prepares for the 5G rollout, network operators and equipment vendors are facing exponential challenges with regards to the levels of synchronisation accuracy and speed of data transfer required to deliver end-user performance.

Industry Standards are also adapting to cover the next generation accuracy requirements with the ITU-T enhancing the G.827x series to ensure that Ethernet systems are robust against varying transmission delays and other effect that can significantly disrupt the precise transfer of timing.

For Network Operators, in a step to address the 5G transport challenges and ensure they will be able to meet the standards, validating the performance of network equipment vendors in Proof-of-Concept events as part of a pre-tender process can help to reduce post deployment performance risk.

Tier-1 Network operators are already conducting events to specifically look at the performance of synchronisation between network equipment using PTP and SyncE to ensure that they meet the very tight timing requirements for the intended network deployment. Proving resilient provision of highly accurate time and phase means deployments can enable enhanced 5G transmission techniques to end users.

Being able to completely align test signals to the required precision, while also applying negative test conditions and gathering performance data real-time is a major technical hurdle, and one that the Calnex Paragon-neo is designed to solve. The sub-nanosecond precision Paragon-neo provides in a fully integrated test system allows independent 3rd party verification of vendor performance and actionable insights for Network Operators.

This level of High Precision Synchronisation testing prior to deployment can provide Network Operators with confidence that the overall transport network will deliver the required end performance to all points; well positioning them to outperform their competitors in the 5G challenge.